Scripture Reading - Philippians 3:13-14

13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. KJV

As we are on the dawn of a new day every time we go to sleep at night. We could mark that time as the beginning of a brand new year. We are not on the same time frame of the natural calendar year because we are spiritually renewed day-by-day according to 2 Corinthians 4:16. Many businesses mark their calendar year by their own accounting period. I believe as Christians, we can mark our years by our growth and development in Christ Jesus. This will help you overcome any troubling, non-productive or disappointing day or week or month. Fellow believers I admonish you to do as the Apostle Paul did, forgetting those things which are behind. This attitude is truly a blessing in itself because some people go through a very challenging situation and they count the whole year as bad. This renewed attitude allows you to put a tough day, week, month or months right behind you immediately or the very next day. Some things we face in this life on earth are very challenging and require an extra outpouring of grace just to sustain us. Whatever your current state when you are claiming your victory in the midst of a trial remember that God has given you personally a brand new day starting tomorrow. It has been stated in Christianity, “That best days are your next days”. Angela and I will take it one step further and say, “Your best years are your next years”. No one here on this earth has completed their spiritually maturity course with God, therefore press onward and upward with God. Setting your sight on the next year is always encouraging because you know with all confidence that God will bless you during the next year. We all need to keep our eyes focused on God’s Word and our heads lifted up because our redemption draws nigh. We are blessed to be saved in these perilous times. We are also blessed to have an opportunity to determine when we would like our future year to start. Since our Heavenly Father dwells in eternity we know we will always have many blessed future years in front of us. This next year will give us more time to worship our Heavenly Father and grow in the knowledge of His Holy Precious Son, Jesus Christ the righteous. Let us purpose to grow this next year, individually and as a church family in Christ. Remember you determine the starting point of your year because you are renewed in Christ Jesus, you are not subject to the natural calendar. Time is only a guide to those following a natural clock we follow the Precious Holy Spirit by the Light of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Dear Believer please know that a natural calendar records days, months and years for counting our natural age upon the earth because we are only given so much time on this earth to accomplish His Will by being fruitful. However, once you are born-again your growth and maturity in Christ Jesus determines your spiritual years in God. For we are not limited to a natural GPS clock with God, but we are on an unlimited spiritual journey of worship and growth with our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. Remember, your best year will always be one of your next years in Jesus Christ. Amen!

In His Love, Eric & Angela Foster

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